Thursday, March 25, 2010

Small language

We attended Lawrence´s Inupiat classes with the young kids yesterday.

The third graders went listened to stories and practiced words and phrases while the little guys in kindergarten were mostly singing. Lawrence was wonderful, really engaging the kids, some of which were fluent, although many were not.

There are a few textbooks for them to work with as well as dictionaries, but sounds like there is a lack on of new text and daily opportunities to use the language. One teacher aid told me how she wished there were more children's book available in inupiat, and as far as I know there are no newspaper in the language.

Speaking a small language myself, there are only three hundred thousands Icelandic speakers, I can relate. Language is such a large part of ones identity and sort of unimaginable to think of it disappearing. But luckily Icelanders are fortunate enough to have good publishing, radio, tv, newspapers and of course Bubbi byggir, Bob the builder

The assignment towards the top of the page is from this morning, when I attended elders Martha´s class.

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