Thursday, March 18, 2010

The community of Noorvik ( the name means “the place you move to”), was established in the early 1900s. It is located right on the bank of the Kobuk River about 50 miles or 15 minutes flight from Kotzebue the nearest “large” town. The community is accessible from air all year long, while the river provides boat and barge access in the summer time and a winter road connection to Kotzebue.

There are 634 people living in Noorvik according to the latest census. A bit more than half of the population are men and over 90% are Alaska Natives, Iñupiat Eskimo. The population is young, with median age of only 21 compared to 35 years old nationwide.

Substance activates are important for the population both for cultural and economic reasons. Them main employers are the school district, two stores, and the Maniilaq Association. In addition some work seasonally for the BLM or Red Dog Mine.

Services in the village include among other a post office, clinic, stores, churches and K-12 school. About two thirds of the houses are connected to water and sewage, which gets treated before it released and the rest of the village is in the process of being connected.

More information here:

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