Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First day school day in Noorvik

On Monday we attended the first classes with Amy the science teacher.

Her students were like everybody else that we have met here exceptionally friendly and welcoming to us.

We assisted a bit with the lessons, but mostly observed the school life.

After the school day was over we walked in on Native Dance practice at the library. The students had made their own drums in shop class and the whole practice was being led by a student.

I don't know how much talent we showed with the drums, but hey we gave it our best!

To end the day we were invited over to Amy's and Rod's house for their daughter Stephanie's seventh birthday. Not only were we feed excellent brownies but also invited skating on the river afterwards.

Noorvik has a nice public transporttation system, pile as many kids and adults that will fit on a snowmachine sled and than tow it along!

This slead was even made in the highschool shop.


  1. Great. How cool is this.... think .. who can actually experience this as a teacher student...I am proud of you.

  2. Sounds like you guys are having an amazing time!
    I want to hear more about the drumming and skating!! :)

  3. I can't wait to hear the stories when you return. Enjoy your immersion into Alaska.
